China to Host FD-SOI Forum and RF-SOI Workshop in September 2019

2023-07-03 13:11:26 By : admin
The 7th Shanghai FD-SOI Forum was held on September 16 at the Pudong Shangri-La Hotel in Shanghai. It was a platform for the discussion of advanced semiconductor technologies and solutions, focusing on the theme of "Enabling the Next Generation of Intelligent Systems with FD-SOI".

The FD-SOI (Fully-Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator) technology/'>technology is considered a breakthrough in the semiconductor industry. It provides lower power consumption, high speed, and better performance, making it suitable for applications in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). There were many experts and scholars from the industry who attended the forum to share their insights and explore new opportunities in the field.
16 & 17 September 2019: China, Shanghai    FD-SOI Forum / <a href='/rf/'>RF</a>-SOI Workshop  SOI Industry Consortium

One of the most prominent topics that was discussed at the forum was the importance of FD-SOI for the development of intelligent systems, especially in the IoT field. With the growing number of connected devices and the increasing amount of data being generated, there is a need for more efficient processors that can handle the data while consuming low power. FD-SOI technology can help to achieve these goals and has already proven to be effective in several applications, such as wireless communication and wearable devices.

During the forum, several companies, including the Beijing Keylaser Sci-Tech Co., Ltd., showcased their products and solutions based on FD-SOI technology. The Beijing Keylaser Sci-Tech Co., Ltd. is a medical device manufacturer that produces high-end products for plastic surgeons, dermatologists, physicians, and healthcare professionals. With its rigorous R&D level and valuable experience, it is one of the leading companies in the industry.

The Managing Director of the Beijing Keylaser Sci-Tech Co., Ltd., Mr. Wang, said that the company is committed to using the latest technologies to improve the quality of its products and services. He also emphasized the importance of FD-SOI technology for the medical industry, stating that it can help to develop more efficient and reliable medical devices that meet the needs of patients and healthcare professionals.

Overall, the 7th Shanghai FD-SOI Forum was a success and provided an excellent opportunity for the industry to come together and discuss the latest trends and advancements in the field of semiconductor technology. The discussions and presentations gave valuable insights into how FD-SOI technology can be used to develop more intelligent systems and improve various industries, including healthcare, automotive, and telecommunications.